24.6 inches & 11 pounds 11 ounces 75th percentile for height, 15th percentile for weight
Backbend Bryn now giggles, has mastered hand gestures, and loves to hold hands. She's in heaven when you tickle her neck and when she's not sucking on her fingers (or her left thumb) she's making funny faces and sucking in her bottom lip. Bryn is trying to figure out how to control what she grabs. She frequently takes her binky from her mouth and plays keep away w/herself, holding the binky by the binky string right in front of her mouth.
Bryn's fauxhawk is getting too tall and going crooked, so we tried a ponytail. For some reason I don't like it as much, so I've resorted to using a flat iron to straighten it out.
Maiki has decided that she'll sleep in her own room if Bryn can sleep there too. She thinks that she and Bryn should share rooms (with bunkbeds), and then we can turn Bryn's room into a playroom. (The scarf is one Maiki made herself-out of toilet paper!)