February 25, 2011

Bryn's 3rd Week

We went to Weber State to visit Derek while recruiting, and we just happened to see Rev Run from Run D MC!
Sorry, the picture is really blurry.

We had an awesome lunch date with Heidi and Ashlee. My favorite part of the day was when we reintroduced Maiki and 5 month old Oliver. Maiki said, "It's not Oliver... it's 'All of Him.'"

Even though Beth was sick she still found the energy to take Mike and Ike skiing. I don't know what's up with Maiki's luck... It seems to snow every time she goes.

Today was a fun day with plenty of visitors. Jill stopped by and brought Bryn an amazing homemade blanket (I'm bummed because I forgot to take Jill's picture. I think she's the only visitor I've missed.), then Krissy brought her kids and we hung out all day. It was surprising because Maiki and Mikade played for over 5 hours and didn't have a single fight. (They have a love/hate relationship...) We finished off the day with a visit from McCall. :)

Left: Our cute little posers; Right: The pose that we get dozens of times while we are trying to get the "perfect" picture

Bryn's life as a little sis:
Bryn looking sweet and innocent, and then her expression after hanging out with her big sis for a few minutes. It's amazing how expressive a 3 week old can be.

Mikade taught Maiki his new favorite game... Find something and wrap it up with as much tape as possible, and then give it to your mommy.

McCall stopped by after work to meet little Bryn. Even though she doesn't have any kids of her own, she is a natural. She held Bryn for over an hour and Bryn never fussed. :)

February 18, 2011

Maiki is a "Cheaterleader"

The Syracuse High School mini cheerleaders performed during the SHS/DHS game. (Davis killed Syracuse... Seriously, it was really sad.)
Here are pics of Maiki and Morgan hanging out and showing off their cute butts.
The girls had to stretch and practice before heading into the big gym to watch the first half of the game.
Chris went to visit Maiki while she patiently watched the game. The half time performance!!!

Poor little Morgan hated how loud the gym was, so she refused to perform. Luckily, she spotted her dad and found refuge in his arms.

Bryn's 2nd Week

Bryn had her two week well check and things went great! Her jaundice is getting much better and she has gained weight. Her birth weight was 6 pounds 10 ounches, she dropped down to 6 pounds 2 ounces, and as of this morning she is back up to 6 pounds and 13 ounces. She has also grown an inch!

As of right now Bryn's favorite person is mom. She is a very snuggly little one who loves anyone who has a warm, soft blanket. Maiki is enjoying being a big sister, but she's learning that she's not as big as she thinks she is. This morning Maiki told me that I could stay home and sleep becuase Maiki was going to drive Bryn to the doctor.
* * * * *

Beth and Derek flew in to promote Ford at WSU and to meet little Bryn. Unfortunately, Beth got a cold her 2nd day here, so she only got to hold Bryn a few times.

Bryn's first movie was "Gnomeo and Juliet," which we watched at the Syracuse Theater.

February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!!!
Love always,
Maiki and Bryn

Even though I'm home on maternity leave Maiki is still going to daycare half time. She was so excited to buy and prepare Valentine's for her friends.
Her daycare has been bombarded with RSV and Rotovirus, but things have finally settled, so Maiki's first day back just happened to be Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day is the one day that you can guarantee the Williams family will eat dinner at home. This year Chris spoiled all three of his girls with roses and french toast with homemade syrup and fresh strawberries. Mmmm!!! (Maiki's favorite part is definitely the whip cream.)
This is Bryn's signature pose. Whenever she finishes eating she always stretches and raises at least one arm. She's our little "champ."

February 12, 2011

SHS Cheerleading Practice

Maiki and friends (Morgan, Mia, Kyla, Rylan, etc...) practiced being "cheaterleaders" before performing in the Syracuse High/Davis High boys basketball game.

February 11, 2011

Bryn's 1st Week


Maikis is so excited to be a big sister.

Grandma Colleen and Grandpa Ken saved the day by keeping Maiki busy while her sister was being delivered.

This doll is one of Maiki's big sister presents; once opened it
had to be in every picture Maiki was in.
Grandma Sherrie was gracious enough to spend the night with Annie and Bryn. Waking up in the middle of the night is always fun, especially when your wonderful daughter sneaks and takes your picture.


Our first family picture

Bryn's hair matches Aunt Kate's perfectly. :)

We were cleared to leave the hospital 26 hours after
Bryn was born. :)

During Bryn's first week we tried to stay home and relax.
Chris started Maiki's "big sister" training, and Bryn taught us that she loves taking baths, but she hates being cold.

2-7-11 through 2-11-11

We were going stir crazy, so we took the girls to Pizza Factory!

Tiffany brought 5 month old Jacen and ADORABLE cookies.

Week One Photo Shoot: